Watershed Cleanup Events

We are at the headwaters of the headwaters! Removing trash and waste from our local streams, wetlands, and trails improves the quality of water, soil, and habitat for the people and critters in our area, but also for our downstream neighbors here in Montana and all of the way down to the Gulf of Mexico. 15 of 23 streams in the Lower Gallatin Watershed do not meet water quality standards. Everyone of us can make a positive impact by volunteering and removing trash and dog poop before it enters our rivers, streams, and wetlands.

Each year, the Gallatin Watershed Council hosts three cleanup events: the Bozeman Dog Poop Cleanup, and the Gallatin Watershed Cleanup which takes place in both the spring and fall. Teams disperse across the Lower Gallatin Watershed from the confluence of Spanish Creek, all the way to Missouri Headwaters State Park collecting trash and waste.

Bozeman Dog Poop Cleanup

It’s no secret that Bozeman has a poo problem. When the snow starts to melt on our local trails, many of our furry friends’ treasures are unveiled, both bagged and unbagged. In spring, volunteers conquer a variety of trails including Drinking Horse, Gallatin County Regional Park, Sourdough Canyon, and more. Volunteers have the opportunity to act as a Team Leader which includes coordinating with other volunteers, distributing supplies, and providing overall support and morale! Teams collect several hundred pounds of poo each year. This event usually takes place in mid-April, and lasts for 2 hours.

Gallatin Watershed Cleanup - Spring and Fall

GWC hosts two watershed-wide cleanups annually. The Spring Gallatin Watershed Cleanup is before flows peak and the Fall Gallatin Watershed Cleanup is after the busy recreation season. Teams disperse across the Gallatin Valley, cleaning locations that experience heavy use and locations recommended by the community. The goal is to remove trash from our riparian areas, wetlands, streams, trails, and rivers. We want to keep our watershed clean for the habitat of humans and critters alike and prevent trash and pollutants from compromising the water quality of our backyard water bodies. Volunteers remove thousands of pounds of trash at each event!

The Spring Cleanup occurs around mid-May and the Fall Cleanup in September. Participants can volunteer as team leaders or members, and all volunteers are encouraged to record the strangest thing they found to be eligible to win a prize. The events usually last 2-3 hours and are followed by a volunteer celebration including delicious food, beer, and fun prizes from event sponsors. The Spring Cleanup serves as the kickoff to volunteer season, and the Fall Cleanup celebrates volunteer time and dedication.